


We offer various kinds of small snacks, fermented or smoked.


Smoked and sous-vide meat

We offer several versions of smoked pork leg, belly or bacon. Recently, we introduced a range of sous-vide meats. These are prepared - cooked for hours under the boiling point temperature, which makes them tender and full of nutrients. You can get these to your table in less than 6 minutes.



Our specialty is the fermented sausages which we offer in various shapes, tastes and sizes.


Patés and meat loafs

We offer all kinds of head and liver cheeses. One of our factories also produces traditional czech meat-loafs.



Most of our salami is what a customer would call “hard salami”, these are the tradition fermented products, they are characterized by their high percentage of meat and very long life. Our flagships are fermented salami like Poličan, Paprikáš and Hercules and of course the well known flat salami called “Lovecký”. We also produce the fermented meat products in various weights and packages, as well as in sliced or whole versions.


Gourmet specialities

Non-traditional versions of pork belly, neck, loin and leg meat make up a significant share of these specialties. We offer smoked meats, meats covered in layers of paprika, garlic, cumin, caramel, in vario types of pepper and in a special spice mixture. Our specialties also include various types of ham and bacon as well as, for example, smoked meat in aspic.


Hams and bacons

Not being tied down by being a traditional “ham company”, we can afford to break some boundaries and make specials, like the recent ham in jalapeňo cover.


Pork products

There is a long time czech tradition of slaughtering a pig in home environment, this gave life to many products which the traditions keep alive. We make all the traditional head-cheese, liver-cheese or liver and blood sausages.